Career opportunities
Student Village helps you take ownership of your career – by connecting you with South Africa’s leading employers. To date, we have helped more than 300,000 students from all backgrounds forge their careers.
6 Careers Available
Wrong side of the road
What happens after you make the decision to drink and drive? Feel the impact of drinking driving through powerful, interactive stories from real people. We want people to understand that drink drivers are often normal people who make catastrophic decisions....
3 years ago
Make a cash splash with The Pool Team
Do you have time to spare between lectures? Are you a hustler seeking a gig to make extra cash for that weekend splash? Are you getting ready to dive into the working world soon? Here’s an opportunity with The Pool...
4 years ago
Test Career 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In porta, quam quis vehicula tempor, dolor elit tristique orci, eget faucibus justo eros ac metus. Praesent porta neque ut tincidunt varius. Cras arcu nisl, mollis eget tincidunt at, fermentum luctus velit....
4 years ago
Test Career 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In porta, quam quis vehicula tempor, dolor elit tristique orci, eget faucibus justo eros ac metus. Praesent porta neque ut tincidunt varius. Cras arcu nisl, mollis eget tincidunt at, fermentum luctus velit....
4 years ago
Test Career 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In porta, quam quis vehicula tempor, dolor elit tristique orci, eget faucibus justo eros ac metus. Praesent porta neque ut tincidunt varius. Cras arcu nisl, mollis eget tincidunt at, fermentum luctus velit....
4 years ago